Sheri and I went to Bridge Etc again tonight. We came in 3rd out of 7 partnerships, with an impressive 55% game! I don’t get it. We have misbids, misplays, and all sorts of miscommunications. We’re not really using signals or discards (well, officially, we’re using Odd/Even discards, but I don’t think Sheri made one or saw mine all night). We have very little idea of what each other is bidding, and yet we have come out above average every time we’ve competed. Heck, since school ended, I have taken 3rd place every time I’ve competed. I know I should just be thrilled that I’m doing so well, but the paranoid part of me is wondering if Margaret (the director) is giving me Master Points just because I’m a child to her. Hopefully, that’s not the case.
Tomorrow, Vic Sartor is coming to play with us on campus at 7:00, and I’m pretty psyched about that. He’s a Silver Life Master, and has invented his own convention (called California Club), including Sartor Transfers. After Andrew has hung around so long, people seem to be thinking that Vic is another sketchy guy who hangs out with college students because he has no life. Not the case! At Sheri’s suggestion and Whitney’s encouragement, we invited him! So come play. We’re going to hold the meeting in Sheri’s suite, probably. Unfortunately, neither of us realized that this will start an hour before the barbeque is over. Hm… hopefully, we can push that back to 8:00. We’ll see.
Anywho, I’m tired, so I’m going to bed.